Aws 8

AWS Landing Zone Accelerator in Practice

AWS Landing Zone Accelerator in Practice

Setting up the config repository and intial workflows 🛩️

Release with GitHub actions to S3

Release with GitHub actions to S3

How to release your cdk construct to an S3 bucket 🪣 in projen with GitHub Actions

The awscdk-rootmail construct enhancements

The awscdk-rootmail construct enhancements

Enhancing the construct, e.g. passing in your own 📧 processing function.

Migrate to aws-sdk-v3

Migrate to aws-sdk-v3

Lessons learned from migrating to the new AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3).

The awscdk-rootmail construct

The awscdk-rootmail construct

Migrate the superwerker rootmail 📧 feature to cdk, and what I learned during the migration.

AWS Landing Zone Accelerator

AWS Landing Zone Accelerator

A cloud ☁️ foundation to support highly-regulated workloads and complex compliance requirements.

hugo: all on AWS

hugo: all on AWS

Build an deploy your hugo website all on AWS ☁️ in under 10 minutes ⏱️

The golden jacket & being an AWS Ambassador

The golden jacket & being an AWS Ambassador

What this is all about, how to achieve it and what it means 🧥