
My blog features productivity, tips, tools, and inspiration what I do and how I work. Have fun reading!

Running GitLab Locally in Kubernetes

Running GitLab Locally in Kubernetes

Implementing CI Runners in Local Kubernetes Environment

Running kubernetes on my Mac M1

Running kubernetes on my Mac M1

With local DNS resolving 🖥️

AWS Landing Zone Accelerator in Practice

AWS Landing Zone Accelerator in Practice

Setting up the config repository and intial workflows 🛩️

Release with GitHub actions to S3

Release with GitHub actions to S3

How to release your cdk construct to an S3 bucket 🪣 in projen with GitHub Actions

The awscdk-rootmail construct enhancements

The awscdk-rootmail construct enhancements

Enhancing the construct, e.g. passing in your own 📧 processing function.